
Our focus is to help you and your loved ones stay up-to-date on the recommended vaccines. Our highly qualified staff can easily administer these immunizations here at the pharmacy.
- Flu - Offered seasonally for ages 8 years and over
- Pneumococcal Pneumovax 23 or Prevnar 13 - For ages 65 and over
- Herpes Zoster (Shingles) - For ages 50 and older
- COVID-19 - Moderna for ages 18 and over
Prevnar 20
Moderna Bi-valent Booster
Flu Clinic
Are you looking to host a flu clinic for your employees, church, or community center? Immunizing pharmacists are available to come on-site to your location to administer the flu shot and provide counseling. Hosting an on-site clinic minimizes absenteeism from work, promotes the convenience and ease for receiving the flu shot, encourages people to get the flu shot, and promotes a healthier population. Most insurances cover the flu shot at little or no cost. Email us at to schedule a flu clinic today!
COVID-19 Clinic
Are you looking to host a COVID-19 clinic for your employees, church, or community center? Immunizing pharmacists are available to come on-site to your location to administer the vaccine and provide counseling. Hosting an on-site clinic minimizes absenteeism from work, promotes the convenience and ease for receiving the vaccine, encourages people to get the vaccine, and promotes a healthier population. Most insurances cover the vaccine at little or no cost. Email us at to schedule a Moderna COVID-19 clinic today!